The cost of maintaining belief in popular teaching on divine healing
The teaching or belief that "all people prayed for are healed everytime, unless of course they lack faith" gets maintained and proclaimed at the cost of those who for fear of censure, keep the knowledge of their not being healed to themselves. When others around them seem to give credence to claims of healing made by ministers of divine healing, that must create a sense of guilt and confusion in one who knows that s/he has not been healed. In such a situation, I have known some believers to try as hard as they could to prentend that everything was ok. Theirs became an even more fanatic belief calculated to distract from the guilt and confusion mixed with anger which they experience daily in the face of claims of healing which do not correspond with their realities. Some of these dear Christian folks, tired to uphold such a discrepancy and seeking freedom from a censorious religion, have given up the faith and reverted to their former lives. Others, continue to believe the popular teaching and its promises, but are lost for words concerning the lack of realization of the promises in their lives. Scripture proclaims that the truth sets free, and the truth needs to be told regarding divine healing.
Asking tough questions and facing the truth squarely
What I think to be the truth regarding divine healing, is somewhat difficult to chew and threatens the simple and comfortable world of many Pentecostal - Charismatic folks. The truth is that not all people prayed for are healed and sometimes it is neither their fault (if somebody should be at fault) nor the expression of God's disfavour. The problem is that where the first part of my statement is acknowledged, a tendency exists to blame failure to be healed at the door of the sick. No thought is ever spared to consider a possibility of the pray-or being at fault. Or what could God's role be in the failure of healing to manifest - that seems never to occur in the minds of the ministers. And I ask: why can it never be the minister self who is at fault? Why can it never be God who is the reason behind a failed healing? Why does it always have to be the sick who are at fault?
1 comment:
Hi! Reaaly like what you have to say and I agree with you 100%!!!
I was struggleing lately with trying to reconcile why God doesn't seem to 'step in' and heal those that need it all the time. Let's face it, He does, but we don't see it as much, or upon command as the neo pentecostals would have us believe He does. Anyway, here I was struggleing with the issue....and out of the blue...God heals me of asthma!!! Quietly. No angels hearalding a cure, no pentecostals involved. Not even much faith. Yet He healed me. God is good!
Lord bless you.
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