Experiences of some Christian folks, subjected to the divine healing ministry
The issue for me is not whether anybody (Christian) can be healed or not, rather, whether everybody (Christian) can and should be healed or not. I think the proponents of what I have termed 'popular teaching and belief on divine healing' maintain that everybody (who is a believer in Christ) can and should be healed. Their enthusiastic promises and claims on divine healing have attracted and will continue to attract multitudes of sick folks in and out of church across the world especially in the third world racked by poverty and disease. But are these promises fulfilled? Are the claims of divine healing made by the proponents of this belief true? To both the questions I would have to answer in the negative. I answer as a Pentecostal believer, preacher and leader who has participated in and observed divine healing administered. I may not have the statistical data concerning the success of prayer for healing, but it is safe to say that not all prayed for receive divine healing. This is despite the degree of faith that individuals may hold (how do you measure faith?). There are Christians who, if truth be told, have been disappointed and victimised, first by the ministers of divine healing and second, by themselves for failing to "believe (the Word of God) enough to be healed." These people would never acknowledge openly their disappointment and hurt for fear of further victimisation by other Christians or "a slap from God." Thus, the lie is upheld as truth - all people prayed for, are healed everytime, unless of course they lack faith! But at what cost?
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