Thursday, April 26, 2007

Scripture as source and validator of christian being

I have indicated that in answering the question before us, we need to notice that it is suggestive of God's past healing activity. We have also seen that the Bible witnesses to God's past healing activity. Let me reiterate that the debate is among Christians. This helps us to ask: how does one become Christian today? Also, does the way today's people become Christian differ from that of the biblical times? Is it not true that people then and now were confronted by the living Christ as the Scriptures were being preached? That out of the existential crisis brought about by this encounter people declared themselves forgiven and Christian!? Scripture facilitates the meeting of the would-be Christian with Christ and provides concepts which shape and validate the resultant and new identity. When it comes to how a Christian experiences life, the questions their situations generate and appropriate responses thereto; recourse is sought in Scripture. Now, the question of whether God still heals today, must therefore be placed within a living human situation. This living human situation is historical and cultural and it forms the backdrop to the questions we ask and sometimes the answers we will have.



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